Thunderstorms can never stop me.
School's been pretty much a bore. Gotta retest on my running as it was SUPER sucky. Im getting fat luh. Im soo am working it out. Those flabby FLABS. School today started off with maths. What a way to start the day. lazy as usual. Mother lesson did went by like a breeze. Was talking to rizzuan, haizel, aslam and a few others. and Rizzuan gave me the idea of playing X MEN II on psp and we WI-FI play. SIALLAAA! SHIOK! and after much talking, I made plans for this friday. Im not going to school but go for SPEECH DAY of course.
X-MEN LEGENDS II ( 4 players ) PS2
HALO 3 ( 3 players )
THAT'S it. Im like already PSYCHED and so are the rest of the guys. HAHAHAHA! PLUS PLUS! the next day SENTOSA! HUAAAK! * BACKFLIPS * Exciting week. But for now gotta study study study first. As you all MIGHT know, Im getting the prize for the BEST SCIENCE STUDENT 07' * (PHY/CHEM) YEAH!!! BALLZXZX. And soo after that much exciting MT lesson. RECESS!. stayed in 5N1 class to talk and chill. Was chatting with the people there. Well, Shannon did say that some of the people from the other sec 5 classes should be in 5N1 and some from here should go there.AND HE POINTED OUT TO ME! WTH. Was flattered actually. But no one noticed. HAHA! TOUCHED LOR! Okay and soo i was telling everyone about aslam's PRIMARY SCHOOL DAYS.
Aslam was those kinda kids who WORE. TUCKED in tee shirt,HIGH SHORTS and a small LITTLE HANKY stuck on the pants. AWWWWWWWWW. SOO CUTE RIGHT? Then comes the unexpected part. This friend of mine. who is like soso innocent looking WAS THE BIG BULLY!. He would like SPEAK aslam when he was crossing the road and pull of some wrestling stunts on HIM. They sorta like AMBUSH him. Not one but THREE people on 1. HAHAHA! EVIL SIAAAA!. They would always bully him and played wrestling with him. with or without aslam's consent. HAHAHA! They even bloody fractured his leg TWICE!. HAHAHA! Bloody big bully sia haizel. I didnt expect him to be a big bully. HAHAHA! but the funniest of all is ASLAM. Just immagine. Tucked in tee, high shorts and small hanky by the side. HAHAHAHAHHA!
Mr Chia's Swensen's Treat
is postponed to tmr (9th april)
Those who are going,
its 4pm @ Yishun's Swensens.
School's been pretty much a bore. Gotta retest on my running as it was SUPER sucky. Im getting fat luh. Im soo am working it out. Those flabby FLABS. School today started off with maths. What a way to start the day. lazy as usual. Mother lesson did went by like a breeze. Was talking to rizzuan, haizel, aslam and a few others. and Rizzuan gave me the idea of playing X MEN II on psp and we WI-FI play. SIALLAAA! SHIOK! and after much talking, I made plans for this friday. Im not going to school but go for SPEECH DAY of course.
X-MEN LEGENDS II ( 4 players ) PS2
HALO 3 ( 3 players )
THAT'S it. Im like already PSYCHED and so are the rest of the guys. HAHAHAHA! PLUS PLUS! the next day SENTOSA! HUAAAK! * BACKFLIPS * Exciting week. But for now gotta study study study first. As you all MIGHT know, Im getting the prize for the BEST SCIENCE STUDENT 07' * (PHY/CHEM) YEAH!!! BALLZXZX. And soo after that much exciting MT lesson. RECESS!. stayed in 5N1 class to talk and chill. Was chatting with the people there. Well, Shannon did say that some of the people from the other sec 5 classes should be in 5N1 and some from here should go there.AND HE POINTED OUT TO ME! WTH. Was flattered actually. But no one noticed. HAHA! TOUCHED LOR! Okay and soo i was telling everyone about aslam's PRIMARY SCHOOL DAYS.
Aslam was those kinda kids who WORE. TUCKED in tee shirt,HIGH SHORTS and a small LITTLE HANKY stuck on the pants. AWWWWWWWWW. SOO CUTE RIGHT? Then comes the unexpected part. This friend of mine. who is like soso innocent looking WAS THE BIG BULLY!. He would like SPEAK aslam when he was crossing the road and pull of some wrestling stunts on HIM. They sorta like AMBUSH him. Not one but THREE people on 1. HAHAHA! EVIL SIAAAA!. They would always bully him and played wrestling with him. with or without aslam's consent. HAHAHA! They even bloody fractured his leg TWICE!. HAHAHA! Bloody big bully sia haizel. I didnt expect him to be a big bully. HAHAHA! but the funniest of all is ASLAM. Just immagine. Tucked in tee, high shorts and small hanky by the side. HAHAHAHAHHA!
Mr Chia's Swensen's Treat
is postponed to tmr (9th april)
Those who are going,
its 4pm @ Yishun's Swensens.

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