Recent break practices are getting pretty tired. After school, Sleep, wake up eat then go break. that's the cycle on and on till this saturday. the Performance coming up wants us to have three showcases. 1 break and 2 hip hop. so yea. but somehow i manage very well soo far. I really need the cash ah! Oh yea its 120Bucks per person. i soo have alot of things to get .
New Break shoes PSP upgraded 4 gig Memory card A real nice baseball cap Black CrumplerSoon soon. once i get my ikea pay. im gonna chiong all of those ah. of c0z leave some for my parents to spend. just a little something to say my thanks. I dont get to see you much now. with ure netball training you have to go too. MYE nearing guess everyone's just busy with their studies eh? I really gotta stop comparing my class with another. its really useless. i'll just end up being mad at myself. c0z my class is soo boring.. and the one i compared to is obiviously more fun. its just c0z my class is just racist. flame my tagboard again. for what i care. but its true. everytime when there's group work or what, the chinese will all pair up together. the girls will just go together. the basketball guys too so left with few looser's in the class. that's me plus my other retain friends. so yea. what is there much to say?
My Whole world's crashing down. trust me its not something i coping with real well. since the SS test which i 'cheated' and my classmates flaming me for cheating. when i got 18/25 which so many people did. i'll just explain myself. if you dont agree then too bad.
Just before the SS test i was sleeping as usual. tired and lack of sleep. so i was having problems recalling the points. once Mr chia ask to take out our stuffs and get ready i was still reading through the points. mins after that i wrote till Question C, i blanked out and peek at the notes under my table. the word i use is peek and not copy coz i only look at the main points. then the elaboration i know luh. but yin kay saw. so yea. Whole class knew? I dont care. say what you wanna say. I never did like the class anyway. ANW, i didnt even get that high of a marks. 18 which around 20 people scored. please luh, can say a few of the other people in the class also PEEKED. So why am i being interrogated?. its not lyk i was bring PROUD and ARROGANT about getting good results in class when teacher was gonna give out the papers. WTF. So what if i hate ure almighty dominic. i dont give a shit. i hate him and its MY say in MY blog. I dont remember bothering you in the ferst place. and because of this the Worst thing happen to me. and i dont really wanna say much. she doesnt trust me anymore. claims that its as good as lying to her. and its over. so yea. THANKS GUYS. THANKS ALOT!
All this happen in a day. How Much pressure Do you think i can take? there's limits you know. i really dont know what to do now. all i can do now its just enjoy life. go for my break sessions and there's still my N level's to study for. So now if i study hard for my test and scored high for marks means i cheat luh? YA!. now i have 'Cheater' all over my forehead. goo figure.
Now i know how nadia felt when the whole class rebelled against her.Guess i'll just have to stick to being Independent again. SHEESH!
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