WiNNer:BBoY RaHMat
Rahmat started the battle wibb hiss cool TopRoCk and Hiss Footwork.... yeahhh.. but a little .. disadvantage to fadzli as the was a lil dumb to d0o0o his bez movess in the ferst and second turn ... now dats a lil silly fadzli.... well.. impressive movess were display by both competitors
NeXT BAttLe ....
BBoY Azuan
WinnEr: BBoY AzuAn
diz match was the battle of the WAN's haahahah oh well... Azuan display great charisma... den before.. he finally hab a cool toprock to show and als0 down rockk.. and als0 hiss wayy deep banana and tombstone... dat's DoPe... ReDzuan too hab some great combo's yeaa... btu sumthing iss wayy wrong wibb hiss top rockk.. Why are u fluttering aboudd??? lyk a bird?? hahhaahhaha
NeXt Battle ..
WiNNer: BBoY ShAhRuL
OH well.. diz iss my battle... i was seriously impress wibb syafiq's toprock and downrock.. it was damn dope !!! hoooeee !!! butt my toprock and downrock cant be compared wibb him he's STYLE !!! hahahah.... mee i did.. my combo's... 1990's and elbowtrackk hahaha.. kinda fast laa.. was ... kan jiong.. hahah... oh well i did my bestt... to win...
ReSULts !!!!
- BBoY RaHmAt
- BBoY AzUAn
- BBoY ShAhRuL
- BBoY FadZli
- BBoY ReDZuan
Those in the Loser pool will face off and will Determined who will be gettin the 4th , 5th and 6th position.....
while those in winner pool will determined who will bee gettin the 1st , 2nd and 3rd standing
the PerSon Who Gets 1st Position will gett to BAttle HaiKAl ; lord of 602 for the tile of
" LORD OF 602 "
The Next BAttle is the Loseer PooL BATtLE !!
BBoY FaDzli
4th:BBoY FaDZli
5th:BBoY ReDZuan
6th:BBoY SyaFIQ
The BAttle WasA very ClOSe WAn... wibbb all tthe competitors doing thier best to win the battle... syafiq wibb his stylish toprock and downrock... fadzli.. wibb hiss hollow movess.. but he did it a little to early yea...silly boyy ... redzuan wibb hiss fluttering toprockk.. yuckk it shuckkk... not nice lorr.. but den.. gotta gib it t0o0o him laa.. at least got toprock... BOTAK !!! ..
NeXt BAttle The WInNer PooL BAttle !
BBoY RaHmat
1st: BBoY RaHMat
2nd:BBoY ShAhRuL
3rd:BBoY AzuAn
Oh YEahhh BATTLE OF THE YEARR 20055.. HOEEE !!!.. diz battle was one of the greatest and FUn BAttle... amongest all of the battle written here... started off wibb rahmat den shahrul followed by azuan.... All the moves display by the three of em.. were spactacular expectially rahmat whose windmill to turtle... was damn dope... and azuan's elbow handspring... hoeee... shah wibb hiss PM"S 1990's to elbowairtrack.. yeahhh.. diz was one heck of a battle.. and after the laz movess.. ther was a fight fer da beatss hahaha.. dat was dope... everyone.. taking turns too d0o0a air frezze ad the beat... and ther was als0 a fight fer whose invert or banana was deep.. azuan did a banana and shahrul burned him wibb a damn long invertt... hoeee !!!.. Better luck next tymee azuann... and als0 before it all ended... three of emm try t0o0o impress the judgess by frezzing together ... but it end up a crashh .. wheee.. hahah but at least dey triedd... it was HELL LOTSA FUNN !!!! the judges were IMPRESSED !!!
Well dat's DoNE Now the Two Side Battle
Rafi , ReDzUAn , Haikal , SyaFiq
ShAhRuL , RAhMat , FADZli , AzUAn
It was a funny battle when all of us were lyk planning wadd t0o0o d0o0o and all.. den.. ther was a special apperence by KAren And HUmAirah.. ij gurlss.. w0o0o wheee... started of wibb fadzli.. den ...syafiq.. hahaha.. .after dat.... group dance by rahmat shah and fadzli but fadzli screw up den... shah and rahmat.. continue the whole dance.. yeaa... got praised.. by humairahh... den after dat.. azuan did a elbow handspringg... den its the other groups turn t0o0o perform.. den ther were lyk imitating.. power rangers... " its MOrphing Time !! " den syafiq went in hahah... dance... den haikal.. front handspring , redzuan " Front FliP " and rafi.. layout ( cartwheel and backflip ) hoeee.. everyone was jumping aroundd.. hahahaha.. damn funny... denn.. its was lyk my turn went in wibb my baby freeze den air chair combo... den haikal.. went in lorr... wanna burn my air chairr.. look ad mee summore after dat he roll back den elbow seven i think den.. APER LAGI.... i ROLL BAcK AIRCHAIR hoooeeee the whole.. placee.. was jumpingg... hahahahha yeahhh.. well dat boudd itt.. feelaaasss hahhaha ... end of todae...
StAnDiNgs !!
LoRd Of 602 - HaiKal
1st: BBoY RaHmat ( HaNuKe )
2nd: BBoY ShAhRuL ( Air )
3rd: BBoY AzuAn ( RaBbiT )
4th: BBoY FaDzLi (fReeZaR )
5th: BBoY REdZuAn ( ReddEn )
6th: BBoY SyaFiQ ( FiQTWiSty )
Here are some pics frm the battle and als0 the recent sentosa trip i went ferr...
RaHmat LoTus Invert !!! YEAhhh
ElBow AiRcHAAiR !!
FAd's HoLLow HEAD !!!
Pic Of The DAy Meee Annd RaHMAt SeVEn DuRing OUr BAttle 2Gether
ShAh's Side HollOW !!
ShAh's InVert
EnIse And STELLA TAKING Pics Of ThEmSelves
dey still taking pIcs ...
And DEy STILL Are TAking PIcs...
OH Well.. Gurls Are Gurls.. dey still are... chio... wahahahahha
Da'ts Us IN The WAters
IdIots In The WaTer
SMiLe EVerYOnE :]
LeT's FLy ~ !!!!
WoAh I HAff LOnG LeGs... Wheee
SeVen In The SunSet CooL !! :]
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