
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

err... todae lyk wokee up normal... finally aftterrr two long daae strraight.. of waaking up late... eeg. 7 plus... andd i keep gattink... offencceee slip ... walao.. keep seeking.. mrr phua.. wala0xx..hbjhjkhkbjkuhkjkhkjkhkjnkhjkjku.nonsensee!!! woooh had lyk a okkahh day in skhool.kindaa emnjoyed maaself. but was lykkk blahhhs... dotss... shahh ure turn laah bodohh. okiee okiee laa.. its muaa. .turn noww... well.. nothingg .. much t0o0o write boudd.. exceptt.. oudd our new.. englishh.. teacheerr.. hahah.. damnn irrtatingg siakkk... she dun juz gibs us insstructtions?? shee SHoUT oooudd all thee sstuffxx.. hahah.. till her face red red aandd all she alreadi lyk on.. faat pigg.. liddaaatt.. hahah.. daatt was thee funny partt.. hahah.. i wannna look hahah.. some nossence.. while tokking t0o0o denisshh hahaha while typing ... she lyk teaching mee howw t00o type... w/o looking .. hahah.. well... after school went hm.haas.n lyk gott changed for de countdwn.haas.brought maa bro water bttle. NIKE siaal. -droolls- danGss.. -__".nuff laa sharrrr... chee.dots. byter!! haas. keep laughinkkkk ad mee useless birdbrain XD. wuuuhh!!! haas.JIAYOOH??!! no irritatednimoree hMm... wart can ir doo.alamakkk..... tUrn on de monitor laahh!!
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (=!! dotss..... sooo fun. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! imaaa okkkaahhh hees mentally unstable.. .stay awayy!!! aHHH -scatterrrrr!!!- Xp. ure tuuurnn laahhhhh punnch meeee arhh!! snorks. ^^, ... arrgghh sssnorrkks summore siakkk.... andd ssshee gettin preetty irritaatingg wahahhahaha./.. hee mooouth lyk sho biggg hahaha!! WEEIIIIIII INSULTTT!!! BLOODY TULIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIAM LAAA BODOHH HAAS bleaughs imaa reponsible not lyk uu.. hMmph. -pouts oud chest n stands up proud- (=.. heyy heyy ... caarefull warrt u ... puttink oudd... Ur chesst??? wahhahahahahah... disssgustingg.. hahaha.. tulip tulip arrr... hahahah.. better . den u .. call ppl birdbrainn... whose head biggerr???? hahahha... kareen hairsstylee.. cheeyy hair bettaden ures. jealous much ?? Xp dots.ircan kill uu nitymee.. jus stepon de flower. n pOOf!!!!deadddddddd. tongue oud.ure flat. admit yaas. jealouss? PMS. ohhh tink ure havink PMt. hees..dots.dots. lots not. kekekekekekekekekekekeke. (=. tink loads dats yy ure sooo perky... doinkss. ir hate PERKY ppl (= haas. wahahahahaa... actually .. dun understant a werd she sshaayy sh00 neberrmind llaa.... SKIP SKIP ... shee laa bodhh...... SKIP !!! hahahah... sttepping on aa tulip... how cruel??? nebermindd... ther's still hope/...ass........ FEERTILLISERSS.. HAHAHAHAHAH.. norrt unny laa.. i noe.. juz beeinkk.. lamee.. hahaha.. okiee..i think you should be g0in home noww........its latee soo? dots. imaa cruel.haaaaa!!! ure totslly condemned. hMph. puffs. -stares-wuuu cares bout flowers.haas!!!!!!!!!! shhhhhhhhhh onli girls will lyk understand Pms haaas!... bleaughss wooohh!!! ^^. niwaess..................... blooody freeaakkk!!! hahahahahaah!!! irmaa goinkkk hmm.........-gettink further from de com- urrgghh. -criess- heehs.lammme..stuupidtulip!!!!!!... hahah. .OKIE..BUAiss... hafa a saafee... trip. .yeaa... g0o0o larr.... G)O)O)O !!!!! KB!!.manndots. bloody bird brained!!! floweeeeeer.oh ya ir fergot. flowers dun hav brains. ir KILL UUU!!! -creeps behind. tryna bakstab!!-... hahah i think ... we all better g0o0o larr.. later .,. kanna ... nag.. rm yer , ,mum orr.. bro... ssh0... lets g0o0o... okiee.. BRB...

BATTLE TYMMEE !!! YEAHH YEAHHH hahahha.... was lyk meeting the rest later i went home ferst t0o0o take my stuffz.. hahah.. den went down saw .. redzuan.. den .. was lyk studying ferr the geog test haha.. borrowed harina's book ..hmmxx.. dunno wher my textbook liao le .... okiee.. den the rest came.. rahmat.. fadzli.. andre.. and haikall.. wahh damnn funn.. things start alreadi... we all gettin warmed up.. streching and all.. hahah.. mee i gear up.. and start als0 laa... and till diz tyme we all halfwaee.. breakin lee.. azuan den comee.. okiee.. BAttle gonna start soon.. was lyk .. damn scared.. seriously hahahaxxx... wahahahahhax... gettin lamee.. well.. here's the lykk event dat gonna happen... and the results...

Ferst Battle :

BBoY ReDzUan
WiNNeR : BBoY RaHMat

A little of the battle... redzuan start ferstt and thingss realli gorrt flared up .. hahhaah.. redden wibb hisshh toprockand downrock and all... kanna burned wibb mat's ... fulll routinee.. hahahah... well.. he did.. improve.. yeaa... overall...

MOves to Higlight :
ToMbStone DrOP ElBow ( Hang ! ) - BBoY Rahmat
headstand to airchairr hoooeee ~ ! - BBoY Rahmat
hollowbackk constant - BBoY Rahmat
windmill 4 - 5 rounds - BBoY Rahmat
elbow hollow or wassit iron board?? - BBoY redzuan
airchair spin??? - BBoY redzuan

Combos :
baby freeze to handglide freeze to headstand to elbow seven - BBoY Rahmat

Next battle :

BBoY Fadzli
BBoY HaiKal
WiNNer : BBoY HaiKal
Somthing boudd da battle... it was lyk... the start of the battle.. and it was fad's ferst turnn.. and he was lyk toprocking.. in front . of haikal.. and miraculously haikal... fought back wibb and awesome set of toprock... battle rockk.. and ended wibb a " V " Kick hoooeee ~ ! hahah it wasent even hisshh turnn hahha... cool... dat was the best cheer hahahaxx.. YeaahhYeahhh hahaha its a was a front flip battle hahah fadzli landed wrongly yeaa.. he landed on hissh backk den headd.. he claim dat he saw everything white.. and thought he died.. it was closed therr.. butt he's okiee.. yeaa...
Moves to highlight :
Front Flip - BBoY Haikal & FadZli
Cricket - BBoY FadZli
HoLL0o0o0o0oW Head - BBoY FadZli
HoLL0o0o0o0oW Back - BBoY FadZli
BaNAna and Invert ( Deep Ones ) - BBoY HaiKaL
A CooL set of DoWnROck And BATTLE ROCK !! - BBoY HaiKaL
CoMbOs :
HandGlide One Hand to Crickets - BBoY FadZli
InVert to Bridge to chair to airchair - BBoY HaiKal

NeXt BaTTle :

BBoY AzUan
WiNNer : BBoY ShAhRuL
InFo On the Battle StArt Off Wib ShAh .. Some TopROck foLLoWing Da BEats DoWnRock Den ... A ChArged Seven On Da Beat.... HoooEEE ~~ ! YEah Yeahh... FoLLowed up by .. azuan wib a series of toprock... downrockk.. and a WAy deeP.. tomBStonee yEaaahhh ... ShAh als0 went in ... wib .. somee.. dancee.. denn .. a TomBStonee.. Hangg.. hahahahxx... bEat Datt... followw.. up by an AIRCHAIr .... azuan denn... did.. hisshh elbow..eclipse... well. itss lykk the endd.. den.. Shah top rockedd... and did a side hollow.. hahhaha... Their was a Tie... BBoY Andre da JuDge.. say ther was a need ferr a tie breakerr.. sh00... Shah.. went in wibb .. some dance and 2000's 3/4 rounds hahhah slackk den was somee... downrock.... den 1990's ...Azuan den went in wibb backhandspringg hoeee ~ ! ... and tombStone again... shah went in wibb two leg side holloww.. and since it was the End.... c0z BBoYANdre.. sayy 1 BBoY 2 Moves .. it ws hisshh laz movee... den sahh signall ferr de endd.. and gave an elbow trackk.. yeahhh.. azuan ... did.. a seben to tombstone.. and den... some dance... and last but norrt least his.. elbow eclipse...
Moves To Highlight :
Deep TomBStone's - BBoY ShAhRuL & AzuAn
Air ChAir ( Hang ! ) - BBoY ShAhrUL
ElBow tRack - BBoY ShAhRuL
One HAnd EclIpse - BBoY ShAhRuL
1990's - BBoY ShAhRuL
2000's - BBoY ShAhRuL
Invert - BBoY ShAhRuL
BAckHAndSpring - BBoY AzuAn
BaNaNa - BBoY AzuAn
A new TopRoCk - BBoY AzuAn
ComBos :
Baby Freeze to Side FreeZe To AircHair - BBoY ShaHRuL
Eclipse to solar eclipse to one hand eclipse - BBoY ShahRuL
.. aBreak Noww... everyonee lyk half.. dead.. and BTW... denise finally camee.. hahahah. .well.. ask her g0o0o shop.. wibb mee.. mee g0o0o refill mua.. nike water bottle. wib the grape dispensier ad the coffee shop yeaa hahaha.. sh0 shiok.. den accopany her buy stuffss.. denn went backk... next battle was coming up
Next battle :
Those who did win .. got a fighting chance fer da 4th placing sh0 it wass
BBOY Azuan
BBoY Fadzli
BBoY ReDzuan
Winner : BBoY ReDZuan
it ishh a triple threat against each other.. the best BBoY Wins da 4th PlaCing among the 602 PeoPle.. yeaahhh ...
Moves to higlight
New TopRock & DOwnRoCk - BBoY ReDzuAn , Azuan and FaDzli
A ElBow HoLLow Or IroNBOaRd - BBoY reDzuan
elBow Eclipse - BBoY Azuan
BackHAndSpring - BBoY AZuAn
ElBowStand ?!?!?!? - BBoY RedZuan and fadzli
ComBos :
handglide to cricket - BBoY FaDzLi
hollow head to hollowback -BBoY FaDZli
its one heck of a battle whenn BBoY ReDZuan and BBoY FadZli.. was trying t0o0o challange whose .. elbow stand was longest ...BBOY Azuan jUstt sittink ther doinkk nothingg .. hahahahah.. well the next he came oudd.. pointinkk too both of emm.. and did a backhandspringg.. hahah good ideass mann .. w0o0o h0o0o....
Next Up Da QuAlified BAtch...

BBoY RaHmat
BBoY Haikal
Winner : BBoY ShAhRuL

its was One HEck of a bAttle.. started off wibb rahmatt... and hisshh Best And Nice looking TopRockk.. followed.. by .. ShAhrul.. den haikal... den.. haikal.. was lyk .. battle rockin wibb matt.. denn.. mat's turn... he BAttle rock wibb shah... hahah.. shah only know abit laa.. sh0.. juz fer a whilee. only hahaha haikal... did a tombstone t0o0o elbow... follow by rahmat and he did HANG !!! and den hisshh comboss... wala0xx.. can crryy... den its was lyk only.. haikal.. and rahmatt.. battlingg.. den.. sHah.. went oudd.. wibb hisshh... sebenn.. hang.. and Covered Hisshh face wibb hiss shirtt.. hahaha. Hoeee.... den ... cover.. hiss face wibb hishh shirtt.. and did a so0o0o called inverrtt hahah... damn farnieee.. kekeS ~ !...

Move's to HIghlight :
Seven and Invert ( Covered Face ) -BBoY ShAhRuL
LEGion Of ComBos - BBoY RaHMat
Front Flips - BBoY HAiKal
TomBstone DRoP ElBow - BBoY RahMAt And HaiKAl
HeAd Stand To AIrChair - BBoY RAhMAt

CoMBos 's
baby freeze to handglide freeze to headstand to elbow seven - BBoY Rahmat
w0o0o0 h0o0o0o its overrr.. now here's the Standings ferr diz mOnth ..
1st : BBoY ShAhRuL ( Ar )
2nd : BBoY RaHmAt ( HanuKe )
3rd : BBoY HaikaL ( Fyrant )
4th : BBoY ReDzuAn ( Wan Ace , ReddEn )
5th : BBoY FadZli ( FreeZaR )
6th : BBoY AzuAn ( RaBBit )
next battle isshh .. supposed t00o bee... the winnerr versus.. BBoY Andre da.. Judge... butt.. sum1 suggested.. datt.. since BBoY Jo Fleezo has entered da area ... its wiill bee. .. a Handicap

BBoY AnDre & BBoY Jo
" FrEe2MoVe "
( BBoY RaHmat , ShaHRUL , HAikal , FadZli , RedZuan & Azuan )

started wibb rahmat... battle rocking wibbb andre and .... andre turn... he did the same backk.. yeahhh.. deyy botthh.. hahahha.... denn.. all one by one.. d0o0o ther.. own.. stuffss ..... Jo Wibb hiss.. legion of... downrock and .. toprockk.... thers a lot of thing dat happen here.. hahaha. .well kinda lazy t0o0o write.. all.. but .. in the end.. its juzz.. a friendly battle yeaa... its was a crazyy wannn.. hahah rahmat.. was damn... high.. untill... know warrt andre wanna d0o0o den sayy bitee.. and all. hahaha.. every one .. ws lyk jumping around when.. it comes.. t00o their teammates turn t00o toprockk.. ahhha. damn funn .. hahha.. ther were lyk dance movess.. and all. ahhaha.. the best.. of all.. was the combosx... frm andre's teamm... yeahhh.. ahahahha dey all RaWks Yeaa

MOves t0o0o higlightt
1990's * 2 Rounds * - BBoY Andre
2000's * 2 rounds * - BBoY Andre
IroNBoarD - BBoY ANdRe
Drill * 2 rounds * - BBOy AnDre
Roll Back airchair - BBoY Andre
two hand Frezze Spin - BBoY JO
Jo JO FlarE - BBoY Jo

ComBos :
Handglide Freeze to elbow and back to handglide freeze and airchairr - BBoY Andre
valdez to handglide den elbow den t0 handstand and solar eclipse back to handglide freeze den back t0o0o solar eclipse.. - BBoY Andre
hollowhead to invert - BBoY Andre